Saturday, August 20, 2005

Long-tailed Tits

long-tailed tits
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
Behind our house there is a large brick yard, where they make and dispatch bricks and blocks of all kinds. This has several down sides, such as the dust, the large number of lorries that go past the end of the street, occasional rats and the low level, but almost constant, industrial hum. The local residents' association keep them in check.

However, there is an upside. The site is surrounded by mature trees and hedgerows, and at our end their is a small area of scrub and low woodland. The birds and insects love it.

I try to go along the footpath between the back of the house and this area regularly, just to see what's about. I have to be careful not to loiter so I don't look like a peeping tom. Nathan helps me here, when he's with me I look much less suspicious.

We walked past during the week and were treated to a flitting fly-past by a family party of long-tailed tits. These are one of Deb's favourite birds, and I can see why. They're like a fluffy pom-pom on a lolly stick of a tail, and their contact calls can only be described as a purr. I only wish we saw them in the garden more often.

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