Saturday, January 21, 2006

Old friends

common gull
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
During the short winter days when I spend the vast majority of the daylight hours at work, I have to make do with very little close contact with nature. So the gulls and corvids that scavenge the food scraps that the kids leave around the school are particularly welcome. Now they might not be everyone's cup of tea but to me they feel like old friends.

I get some very close views of the gulls, as they swoop and dive outside my window, looking like jumbo snowflakes in a swirling snowstorm. For some reason the corvids aren't as bold and keep their distance from the school buildings.

The common gulls are my favourites at the moment, mainly because of the flashing bright white 'mirrors' on their wingtips. Also, they'll only be around for a few more weeks so it's best to make the most of them before they set of to breed elsewhere.


Linda said...

There's something very appealing about drawing seagulls. This is great!

spinyurchin said...

Yeah, identifying gulls is like identifying mushrooms; it evokes big sighs and a dark cloud with lightning bolts shooting from my head. I forgive them though when the sun catches their white wings against a blue summer sky.