Sunday, September 11, 2005

Panda food

Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
This was just a quick sketch of the black bamboo (phyllostachys nigra) that stands in a pot, outside the back door. I drew it yesterday whilst I worked up the energy to go out in the rain and split it for planting up in more pots.

Deb bought the bamboo when it was only 2 feet tall, about 7 or 8 years ago, and at £5 we thought it was a bit pricey. What a bargain it turned out to be. It grew to around 8 feet tall and we've split it to make new plants several times since then. We've got a few ourselves and we've given a few away as well.

The bamboo and its offspring have done a great job of screening next-doors' dilapidated fence. It hasn't done much for the wildlife though - unless we get any passing pandas.

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