Monday, December 26, 2005

Calm and peaceful

3 collared doves
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
Firstly, Deb and I would like to thank everyone for their kind wishes!

Well, even with this week's events, I've still managed to keep an eye on the natural world. From the 2 magpies on the hospital roof on Monday (very appropriate - 2 for joy) to a sparrowhawk zipping between the houses on Wednesday as I went to visit Deb. A very Christmassy robin on the birdfeeders in the garden was also much appreciated.

Apart from a wish that there was more to see in the garden at 4am (1 week old baby - nuff said), the thing that has struck me this week is the large number of collared doves about, hence the sketch. There's been up to 6 of them roosting, and generally loafing, in the hawthorns at the back of the house. Are they this year's young? Are collared doves not very territorial in winter (or ever)?

Whatever it is, it seems to have been a good year for them so far. There hasn't been this many around for some time, and from my observations, it seems to be the same all over the local area. I find the song of the collared dove very calming so it looks like it might be a calm year ahead.

Hopefully, that will be true for everybody. A peaceful 2006 to you all.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

A new arrival

Mia Rose Whitehead
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
Mia Rose Whitehead was born on Monday 19th December 2005 at 11.31am (GMT), weighing in at 9lb 3oz.

My brother put it perfectly "She's beautiful...are you sure she's yours?"

She is mine - evolution in action!!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Good for the soul

sunrise over parlington
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
One of the few compensations of going to and from work in winter is the frequency with which you get to see fantastic sunrises and sunsets. This was yesterday's sunrise over the Parlington Estate, in watercolour pencil.

I drive past here every morning, there are shorter and faster ways to work, but none that are so good for the soul. Remembering a quote from Rachel Carson "Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the Earth are never alone or weary of life", I had to stop the car to dwell on this view.

On the way home a less impressive dusk was made special by a red kite quartering the fields by the road.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Oh Christmas Tree

pine cone
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
Here's a seasonal one, with Christmas looming - a pine cone, in black and brown indian ink.

I like pine cones, and pine trees too. I've started a few sentences with 'I like...' on this blog. That's because I find so many things I do like, and it's much better than 'I hate...'. Most of my 'I like' things are running simultaneously in my head for a while before I condense them into a sketch and an entry.

Well, back to pines. I know lots of folk aren't keen, thanks to the Forestry Commission planting huge swathes of pines, in the place of more native plants. These plantations are often wildlife deserts as well, which doesn't improve the public's perception of them. But none of this is the fault of the pine.

The trees and cones themselves are a feast for the senses. The texture of the cones and the scent of the needles are so unusual yet pleasant, and the shape of the young trees instantly brings Christmas and goodwill to mind (I'm not big on pesto though). That's why our Christmas tree is plastic, goodwill to all pine trees at least.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Against the clock

Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
I'd like to subscribe to the go-slow movement, but it's been one of those weeks where time is at a premium, so not a lot of time for seeing or drawing nature. Not helped by going to work before it's light and coming home after dark. Not alot of prospect of getting any more time, with our new baby due in the next fortnight, obviously nature and drawing will have to take a back seat.

No worries though, I often spend too long on the fiddly details, quick pics will add a bit more looseness and spotaneity. The last entry was a quick one. Well, at 5 minutes, this oil pastel sketch tops it. World record attempt to follow.

As for the subject matter, I like hedgerows. They're so varied at the moment, some are bare, some are still in leaf. They look so different in different lights. I just love that low winter sunshine, it gives the colours such a zing. And they're so good for wildlife, robins in full song, blackbirds clucking away and the odd redwing over. This bit of hedge is near Knottingley, and in summer will probably provide perches for singing corn buntings.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Room with a view - in colour

colour view
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
I seem to be revisiting old topics this past week. I last blogged this view in July (see 'Room with a view - Thursday'). This is the same view in watercolour, painted in 15 minutes during my lunchtime. It surprised me how little seasonal difference there appears to be. Just the sheep and a few leaves are gone. Maybe that's a comment on modern farming.

Anyway, after a bit of snow earlier in the week, Tuesday was glorious. If anything, the view looks better here than it did under grey July skies. I dare say this view will appear here again, unless they point my room in a different direction, so watch this space.