Sunday, December 11, 2005

Oh Christmas Tree

pine cone
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
Here's a seasonal one, with Christmas looming - a pine cone, in black and brown indian ink.

I like pine cones, and pine trees too. I've started a few sentences with 'I like...' on this blog. That's because I find so many things I do like, and it's much better than 'I hate...'. Most of my 'I like' things are running simultaneously in my head for a while before I condense them into a sketch and an entry.

Well, back to pines. I know lots of folk aren't keen, thanks to the Forestry Commission planting huge swathes of pines, in the place of more native plants. These plantations are often wildlife deserts as well, which doesn't improve the public's perception of them. But none of this is the fault of the pine.

The trees and cones themselves are a feast for the senses. The texture of the cones and the scent of the needles are so unusual yet pleasant, and the shape of the young trees instantly brings Christmas and goodwill to mind (I'm not big on pesto though). That's why our Christmas tree is plastic, goodwill to all pine trees at least.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi Ken! I just found your blog, and want you to know how much I enjoyed reading it. Love your artwork! I'll keep coming back!