Thursday, February 16, 2006


house sparrow
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
The conservation organisations are always telling us that, like too many species, sparrows are in drastic decline, and this fits in with my own observations. A few years ago it wasn't uncommon to see forty of them on and around the feeders in the garden, whereas now I'm lucky to see half a dozen. The biggest shame is that no-one seems to know why, although I think the RSPB or the BTO have offered a reward for the answer.

The thing I like about spuggies is that, at first, they look drab and uninteresting but as you'd expect (or I wouldn't mention it), they reward a second glance. The plumage of both males and females has remarkably intricate markings and shows great variation from one bird to the next. But it's their irrascible nature that sets them apart, I could watch them for hours, and hopefully, for many years to come.

1 comment:

Gretel said...

We still have a fair few down here in the rural Cotswolds, I did hear a theory that people are so intent on getting their houses and outbuildings weather proof and pristine that there are no nooks and crannies for them to nest and hide in. (No chance of that in our cottage, plenty of nooks for them!)