Wednesday, October 05, 2005

For the record

mistle thrush
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
As well as this blog, I write a 'Bird of the Month' column for a local magazine, the Rothwell & District Record. A nice magazine, ran by nice folk. Anyway, I also illustrate the column with my own artwork. This is a mock up of next month's probable bird, the mistle thrush. It's a rough attempt, the bill and legs are the wrong colour and the markings on the head are too imprecise. But it's still better than some of my subsequent drawings, better get a move on - 15 days to copy deadline, and counting!

Mistle thrushes have been a peripheral presence ever since I started thinking about them around a fortnight ago. It seems like thinking about them has made them appear. Everywhere I go, a mistle thrush hops across the path, flies overhead or rattles from the depth of a bush. I'm now going to start thinking about fox sparrows on my bird feeders....

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