Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Therapeutic Jungle

my jungle
Originally uploaded by wherethewolvesare.
In the book ‘The Therapeutic Garden’ by Donald Norfolk, the author tells of the many beneficial effects of gardens, gardening and of just being within sight of plant life. This sketch shows some of the plants I keep in my classroom, drawn in biro whilst the class did a test. Kept for no other reason than they're good for the soul and I love ‘em. Its tough love though, I’m afraid. I tell myself that forgetting to water and feed the plants is just a form of natural selection, survival of the fittest, and that as Alan Titchmarsh once pointed out, an underwatered plant can always be saved but an overwatered one is lost. Good job too.

On more natural matters, the trees (outside!) are starting to colour up nicely, with definite tinges of gold and rust beginning to appear. This seems quite early to me, I just hope we don’t get any strong winds for a few weeks so we get to see the colours develop. Maybe the colour coming early will give it a better chance before the autumn winds really get started. It bodes well at present.

Talking about plants and jungles, congrats to Castleford Tigers Rugby League, for roaring back to the Super League, through the play-offs on Sunday. Sorry for the awful pun and the tenuous link (the Tigers play at ‘The Jungle’, although it’s still Wheldon Road to me).

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